15 April 2010

Retouched Ads

What many people don't know about the women featured in advertisements and commercials is the extent to which they are retouched. Everyone has imperfections, but advertisers feel that showing them would hurt their business. So they pay computer artists to retouch pictures of the people they use in their ads. Sometimes the differences is striking. Since-cancelled CosmoGirl magazine showed its readers how it uses retouching by retouching a reader submitted photo:

At least they were public about it. But what's wrong with the first picture? CosmoGirl was not a glamour maazine; it published articles on "real-life teenage issues," on loving yourself for who you are, on healthy eating and lifestyle practices. So why would they need to make a normal girl - the likes of which comprised their entire audience - into a glamourized version of herself? It undermines every single one of their "positive" articles.

Here are a few more more examples of excessive retouching.

One has to wonder where artistic right becomes altering the face of reality. We have to consider just how much these seemingly insignificant things affect our girls and women.

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